
Strength Improvement

To improve strength, muscles must be progressively and gradually challenged or placed under additional stress. A conditioning program's effects are specific to the type of stress applied. The SAID principle (Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands) stales that as the body is placed under stress of varying intensities and durations, it attempts to overcome the stress by adapting specifically to the imposed demands. For example, muscles around a joint can be developed and conditioned to provide optimal stabilization of the joint. Likewise, when a muscle primarily produces motion of a joint, proper conditioning can prevent the muscle from undergoing an unwanted movement. The demands of a specific athletic event must be a progressive stress applied in that athlete's training.

Other components of strength conditioning which contribute to injury prevention are the ability of the muscle to contract or exert force at an accelerated speed, and muscular endurance, which allows the athlete to maintain an appropriate strength level over a period of time.
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