
Get Thin Stay Thin -Tips for Weight Loss

1.Don't ignore hunger!
2.Eat a hearty breakfast!
3.Eat only when you're hungry!
4.Limit your consumption of "pleasure" foods!
5.Throw out the scale!
The world was divided into two groups: natural fats and natural thins. And, and the feast-or-famine cycle of traditional dieting may well be responsible for many chronic weight-control problems. The dieter first starves herself, then binges when her body can't take it anymore, Built-in survival mechanisms rebel, and the body builds up fat reserves so it can survive the next famine the diet.

According to Sheila Ramsey, director of the Georgetown U University Diet Management and Eating Disorders Program in Washington, D. C. "Very low calorie diets that leave a person chronically hungry are doomed to fail: Neural and hormonal signals from the body will drive a person to eat despite high levels of motivation and willpower.

As I applied these new insights to my own eating patterns, 1 stopped dieting. I began to listen to my body's signals for food and to eat more nutritious food more often. The changes I experienced in getting off the diet/binge cycle were gradual (because it took me awhile to break my bad eating habits), but eventually my weight went down. Here's how to get off the diet/binge roller coaster:

1) Don’t ignore hunger.
Everybody gets hungry, even thin people. The difference between the hungry thin person and the hungry fat person is that the first eats and the latter fights hunger in every possible way. The overweight person denies hunger, represses it, and ignores it. Bui hunger always catches up in the end. Sooner or later, dieters all report that extreme hunger causes them to lose control, to go berserk, off the diet, on to eating.

You can stop the feast-or-famine cycle by eating as though you have no weight problem, eliminating the intermittent diet famines your body has adapted to. You have to convince your body that it can safely stop storing fat. The key is to eat well whenever you are hungry and stop eating when you are full.

You are probably thinking. If I eat every time I am hungry, 1 will be enormous in no time. That's simply not true. You may gain a few pounds at first. But as you retrain your body, you will not be hungry for more food than you need: you will finally be able to consistently avoid over-eating, so you can lose weight.

2) Eat a hearty break fast.
Eating too little at breakfast to save calories for later in the day is self defeating. If you skip a morning meal, your blood sugar level drops and you start craving food.

To lose weight, start each day by eating some real food. Eat as much as you need to feel satisfied, no more, no less. If you don't feel hungry in the evening, try going to bed with your stomach satisfied but relatively empty. You will rest more completely because you do not have half the refrigerator to digest! And since you have been on a natural mini-fast all night, you will have an appetite for breakfast.

3) Eat only when you're hungry.
People with weight problems often have no concept of their own hunger. They are so busy dieting or starving themselves that they have stifled their bodies' normal hunger sensations. Studies have shown that overweight people are more likely to eat in response to external cues a plate of food, a clock that indicates dinner time, than internal hunger pains.

I have discovered that as overweight people learn how to stay well-fed, their response to external signals diminishes and they begin to respond to genuine hunger. Then they can lose weight.

Learn to recognize hunger. Ask yourself if what you’re feeling is something else: fatigue, thirst, boredom, even loneliness. But when you have identified your feeling as hunger, eat. When you're full, stop eating. As you begin to eat according to your body's fuel-need signals, your nighttime binging will stop. You won't be overwhelmed by the "munchies" because you will have supplied your body's fuel needs all day long.

4) Limit your consumption of “pleasure" foods.
I've divided food into two basic categories; real food and pleasure food. Real food is fuel for the body's needs, while pleasure food, which is high in fat and/or sugar, is primarily for taste satisfaction. The categories are pretty obvious. Broccoli is real food. Cookies are in the pleasure group.

When you're hungry, you are faced with choices. If you’re not suffering from excessive hunger, you can be rational about them. Go to the refrigerator. What looks good? If you have chosen a real food, say, a turkey sandwich, you can be certain your body can use it for fuel. Eat it and enjoy.

Rut what if you have ice cream on hand and nothing else sounds good? Although you don't want to eat pleasure foods whenever the urge strikes, there is a legitimate place for them in your diet. If you have analyzed your feelings and there are no other needs imitating hunger, eat the ice cream. You have not failed. On the contrary, you have accepted your natural appetite, but not blindly.

Surprisingly, when you know you can eat anything you want and that you never have to put up with unsatisfied hunger a-gain, it takes a lot of pressure off. You'll begin to want to eat what your body needs, and your body will begin to need foods that will lead to slimness.

5) Throw out the scale.
The bathroom scale has become something of a god for dieters worldwide. Its blessing? Showing a loss on a given day, can make the worst of circumstances easier to lake. But its curse, he little needle moving upward, will cast a depressing shadow on the best of times.

Discard it today. It is not an ex-weight watcher who wants to be naturally thin. For permanent weight loss, you and your body need to get together instead of fighting each other. As you satisfy your hunger by eating properly at the right time, the distorted, exaggerated hunger you have forced your body to endure will diminish. Gradually, you will begin to experience only normal hunger, which is not the enemy, hut a healthy feeling. Eliminate over hunger, and you will eliminate overeating. Gradually. Slowly. Naturally. Honestly!
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